Friday, April 04, 2008


A Knight in Shining Armor
Jude Deveraux

I hated it. Abso-fucking-lutely hated it. No, this has nothing to do with the fact that my boyfriend has abandoned me for a fucking artists’ get-together in some god-forsaken mountain in Antipolo. I hated the book because it is far too long. I hated the book because it was so unnecessarily convoluted. I’ve read time-traveling romances before (Karen Marie Moning and her Highlanders come to mind) but I’ve never criticized them on their implausibility. I hate this book because I wanted to whack Dougless repeatedly for her “alcoholic personality” and I hated this book because Nicholas isn’t exactly one of the most loveable heroes I’ve ever come across – he’s too medieval in a bland sort of way. I don’t like the novel, it isn’t at all romantic, what with all the focus on the mission of saving Nicholas’ family. And I really hate the ending. I mean, sure, don’t allow Nicholas to toss away his grand legacy by coming over to live in the twentieth century but hello. I don’t care for that Let our sould find each other bullshit. So what if she meets a twentieth-century guise of Nicholas’ soul? Goddamnit, can you just imagine the emotional turmoil Dougless will have to go through? Jesus Christ on wheels – and Dougless: supposedly this book is how a woman learns to stand for herself, that people won’t walk all over her all the fucking time. But really, with all the sacrifices she made – no matter that she made them willingly, out of love – in the end, wasn’t she the one used? The she, precariously, set her own happiness and sanity on the line to save an earl long-dead, who cares if history thinks he just likes to rut women on tables?

Christ, ano ba. And so what if the last statement is the point of the whole “romance”? Whatever. I abhorred this book, absolutely do not like it. God help me.

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