Friday, April 04, 2008

Reading List #01

Okay. This summer, if it ain't gonna be happy time and sweetness, it's book-whoring and pseudo-writing. Great.

And because once in a while, I like to think that I'm a sane, organized person, I made a list about this summer's To-Be-Read:

1 - Niagara Falls All Over Again by Elizabeth McCracken
(because I fell in love with the giant in The Giant's House.)

2 - Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link
(because I bought it for a hundred bucks sa National when it still looks like it cost 700.)

3 - Paint It Black by Janet Fitch
( yeah, I know it's a big effin' disappointment after White Oleander but I will try, why nots?)

4 - The Way the Crow Flies by Ann-Marie MacDonald
(because it has been collecting dust in my bookshelf, and because Fall On Your Knees is an earth-shattering piece of literature, hahaw!)

5 - The Empire of Memory by Eric Gamalinda
(because I started reading it for Sir Pulan's class, but never got around to finishing it because Finals week crept up on me.)

6 - But For The Lovers by Wilfrido Nolledo
(yes, shall reread, because it's that booty-ful.)

7 - Swann by Carol Shields

8 - Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
(because a year ago [!] Martin told me that this is Murakami's best novel, better than Sarj's rec, Kafka on the Shore.)

9 - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks
(because it's kooky and I like kooky.)

10 - Fault Lines: Stories of Divorce (Anthology)
(because Ann Beattie is here.)

11 - The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields
(because I feel like an elephant's sitting on my chest whenever I realize I haven't read this thing.)

12 - Strange Pilgrims by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
(because these short stories always keep getting set aside for other books.)

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